don't try and count the bodies
26 May 2016
it's amusing to read the reviews that complain about the bits pinched from other films? who-cares, just suspend one's usual criteria and go with the ...flow. did anyone really expect Oscar potential?

Jet fighter pilots at the start, murder, faked death, then some guys steal a stealth plane! lots of bodies already. Then there has to be a rescue. Enter the big hero, at first he has a whole bunch of Seal- types with him, but they ALL get killed, so, it is up to him to save the world. But alas, even he can't save the 141 guys in the submarine.

and guess what... he does too. and gets back home in time for the parent's day at the (over)cute daughter's school.

The story is passable-fantasy-hero stuff, the acting varies, but is not as bad as some reviewers claim, hey what do you expect from a 9- year-old? I was impressed with the scenes showing the planes... until I read how they "did" them. They didn't, they borrowed the footage.

My only real complaint is that the plane and submarine interiors look too big. Both those things are so cramped?
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