Review of Metropolis

Metropolis (1927)
A Beautiful Classic
6 June 2016
Nearing 90 years since its initial release back in 1927, there probably isn't much left to say about Metropolis that hasn't already been repeated in countless other reviews and articles. Nevertheless, I am compelled to chip in with the roar and recommend the film to anyone who somehow hasn't gotten around to giving it a shot. Having recently viewed the latest Masters of Cinema BluRay, I cannot overstate the importance of watching the movie from a reputable source. My original viewing was somewhere close to a decade ago on a cheap public domain DVD that left me somewhat bewildered to the film's adornment. Ten years on however and I'm a convert thanks to the great efforts of those involved with restoring the film as close to its former glory as possible. Finally, I will conclude by echoing the praises of many others. Between the glorious photography, hugely elaborate sets, bombastic original score and epic storyline there lies a madman, Fritz Lang. Perfectionist to a fault, he somewhat unknowingly created one of the great silent epics of all time and the rest is history.
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