Adventures of Jim Bowie. Television series of the 1950s
8 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Adventures of Jim Bowie is a prime example of the approval and promotion of the rampant racism and genocidal behavior of the American People, their Government and their Religions. In far too many Jim Bowie episodes, it is ASSUMED that American Indian Natives are evil, untrustworthy, and less than human. The plot line is very clear.......KILL these Savages, or at lease use violence and trickery to steal their land, break Treaties with them, and demonize them entirely. The same is true of the series' treatment of American Blacks. Shameful stuff. The value in watching Jim Bowie is to recognize and understand the shameful racism and bigotries in our American past, and that it continues today in more subtle, yet even more entrenched ways. Our Nation's (U.S.A.) political and financial support of the genocide against Palestinians is a good example of our ongoing national shame. People of Conscience understand this. Hollywood does not, even to this day. One wonders if Amazon will allow this viewpoint to be expressed?
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