They Saved Hitler's Brain (1968 TV Movie)
The horror...
25 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When watching this movie, I seriously thought there was something I missed. A lot of movies come off as incomprehensible to me, but this seemed even more so than usual. I really was trying hard to figure the plot out and I was confused seeing as how from one source I heard this movie was twenty minutes shorter. I now realize I was watching an even worse extended version filmed years after the original ended. This is one of the most idiotic things I have ever seen in my entire life. When watching this movie, I couldn't tell who was who and what anyone was even doing. Again, it's mostly because of the horrible filming. "They Saved Hitler's Brain" is even WORSE than it sounds.

Speaking of filming, the camera work in this movie is among the worst I've ever seen. A lot of the pictures come off as really stilted and slanted for some reason. I don't even know if it was intentional, or some mistake with the camera crew. A lot of times the scenes just wobble around, literally. It's some of the worst editing I've ever seen and it's just unpleasant to even look at. The characters in this movie say some of the dumbest lines I've ever heard. One guy says, "With a wife like that, who needs a girlfriend?". What does that even mean? Seriously? Later, an obnoxious woman says, "They were really nice. They pulled a gun on me!". Yes, that's more or less exactly what she said. Who would say that? There's even a scene where the wife's sister makes out with her husband over and over and nobody cares. Or maybe that wasn't the husband? Was it some other character? Who cares? Hitler's brain doesn't even appear until over two thirds in the movie and has only a few minutes of screen time.

This doesn't even work well as a B-movie. They could have had this goofy Hitler head but even the head does practically nothing. There's not even any reason to have him. The Nazis could have done just fine. There's one scene where they mention that everyone was eliminated and then say that someone lived. What? On another occasion, they claim that the Nazis have been working for 18 years. World War II ended in 1945, but they would have worked on it for 23 years. Can these people not even count? Maybe there was something I was missing with all this dialogue, but I didn't care at all. They defeat Hitler by throwing bombs at him and you see three shots of his face melting. I couldn't even tell who was dead or alive at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if this was featured on the first episode of the new "Mystery Science Theater 3000". It's boring, stupid, pointless, and every other bad plot point I can think of. This gets zero stars now and forever.
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