Limitless: Stop Me Before I Hug Again (2016)
Season 1, Episode 13
This episode is infuriating, seriously, "I did it for the lulz" needs to be taken down a notch..
28 July 2016
Barely 7 min into this episode and I can barely stand to hear one more substituted "hug" for the real words, honestly it's so incredibly distracting, I don't know how I am going to finish this episode.

I really loved the movie, and love this show so far, they could take this is such an awesome direction with the NZT neural enhancers, but this episode is painful.

They need to make this show less cutesie-silly Brian "dramedy" and more of a drama... a good intense drama... with more cerebral factor to really let your brain wander in the land of what could happen if NZT were in the world. That's the real angle here that they need to play up.

This episode is infuriating, seriously, "I did it for the lulz" needs to be taken down a notch... I want to explore more of what it would be like to have a brain on NZT and what a character could all be capable of doing...
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