Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
1 out of 10 also feel robbed because the trailers are misleading and things are removed from the movie.
28 July 2016
I admit I expected high for this movie but came out with low feelings and opinions. The story line is weak. Yes I understand where the producers were heading with the death of Bourne's father but the story dragged on with no real explanation and realism, a pretty poor story line which could have been easily thought of in one night. The acting is weak from all cast except Jason Bourne himself but I feel Tommy Lee Jones was castes badly for this role.. It needed an energetic almost blood thirty character like Noah Vosan from Bourne Ultimatum. Alicia Vikander also not the perfect actress for the movie as she is castes wrong again as an mid to late 20s chief operative.

Anyone else notice the differences from the trailers to the actual movie? No shotgun scene from the car in Las Vegas, no Nicki Parsons saying "remembering everything doesn't mean you know everything" and other scenes which are not shown in the movie. Seriously? the movie producers and director can do this to us as paying viewers?

I feel robbed
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