Review of Secret City

Secret City (2016–2019)
One of the best
2 August 2016
If you expect political intrigue as in "House of Cards", treason, espionage, as in "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy", dark hints on the geopolitical evolution of the world (USA, China, and the rest of the world), then this is the show to watch. Ah, and a it has the realism that is somewhat lacking (lately) in "Homeland". Also, it has some intellectual references, as well, which is rarely seen in the nowadays cinema (be it TV, even!). A good cast. Anna Torv is convincing, and her complex character reminds me of Claire Dane's "Carrie Mathison". Even smaller roles are played wonderfully by each of the actors.

As it happens, I've recently seen some new Australian movies and now, this show. And all I can say is: Bravo!. I am grateful to all the Australian cinema.

I just hope the show will continue with (at least) one more season. We, the public, deserve it!
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