Amateur Night (2016)
It was very mediocre, but I like it.
7 August 2016
Not a bad movie at all but nothing to get excited over. It's very bland in it's implantation of the plot.

I've seen this before. The economy is bad and Jason Biggs plays a highly college educated man who can't get a job in his field. He can't wait any longer, because his out of work wife is having a baby, and they have no insurance for it, so he takes the first job that's offered to him: A job as a driver for a group of strippers.

Jason Biggs was right for the role as the main protagonist. He brings a sweetness to the whole movie. His innocence is believable without being too melodramatic.

I thought it was interesting that they did not bring up the strippers dark side to why they became strippers. Early on the movie explains it's about the money and it's good money and it's a job and nothing else, which is pretty much the prime basis of the movie is that everyone needs a job. It's not that the dark side of stripper would have added anything to the light comedy, it's just one cliché they seem to have left out.

I did like how the strippers were portrayed in the film. It's very new era, showing just how in control they are of the situation, which is how it should be and hope that the film statement of being semi-true is getting that accurate.

Plus all the girls were sexy, especially Bria Murphy. can't help to cross my mind what Papa Eddie thinks of the film.

Anyway, the story has the potential to leave a mark, but it's not a decent enough comedy. You'll watch it, have fun, and a minute later forget all about it.
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