Try not to fall asleep
16 September 2016
Walter Abel (Richard) wants to marry Joan Fontaine (Susan). However, he is not comfortable with her past and calls her previous 3 suitors for a meeting. The main part of the film takes place in flashback as George Brent (Roger), Don Defore (Mike) and Dennis O'Keefe (Bill) recount their stories about their life with Fontaine thus far. At the end of the film, who gets the girl…?

The film isn't very interesting – it has a totally unrealistic plot and after 40 minutes, nothing had happened. I wanted to enjoy the film but things just plod along aimlessly. Fontaine finally delivers some funny lines after we hit the flashbacks but it's not enough. All the men are pretty unappealing so we have no-one to root for and just don't care about the outcome. I fell asleep during this. It's too long and boring despite Fontaine's efforts.
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