Benchley takes on the movie theater.
19 September 2016
Robert Benchley stars in yet another short film about a poor schnook who seems to always get getting the short of things in life. In this case, the schnook (Benchley) and his wife want to go to the movies but 1001 little annoyances occur. The summary says that Benchley leaves the ticket in the car...that is NOT the case. Apparently, there was a prize drawing and he accidentally dropped the movie tickets into the slot for that and tried to use the raffle tickets to get into the theater. Then, annoyances about--such as an incredibly large man who sits in front of him and, ultimately, his accidentally walking up on stage and embarrassing himself. All in all, it's pretty typical of a Benchley short with very few belly laughs but plenty of fun, gentle entertainment as he plays his put-upon character. Worth seeing but far from a must-see.
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