Let's put on a movie in the barn.
27 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers

I must admit that I'm only guessing, but I would estimate the production budget of "Reclusion" at around $4.72. And it's likely the majority of that went to the craft service table. But, with no sarcasm, what we have here is a satisfactorily passable movie squeezed from the remaining $0.74.

Humor aside, this movie doesn't really have what you would call "production values". With only a handful of exceptions, the entire movie was shot in and around a rather small residential home. I think you could probably accomplish a shot-for-shot replication of the entire picture in the course of a weekend. A bootleg copy of Premier Pro and After Effects for just a touch of special-effects sauce and you're done.

The acting is not stellar but not bad, the sound effects are excellent, well-placed and add to the overall creepiness surprisingly well, and the plot line is simple if a bit predictable.

There is an attempt at the end to add on a surprise which doesn't really work all that well, and once done the manifestation of the legacy to the daughter is almost a foregone conclusion. Oh well, it was worth a try.

But still in all, a movie worth watching and a fine example of how quality directing, a competent story (if not original in any way), and an enthusiastic cast with good sound effects can all combine to make a very respectable movie out of almost nothing.

Don't look for any explanations as to how the whole situation came about or any background whatsoever. We begin in a terrifying context, we spend some time in that terrifying context, and when the movie comes to an end it's evident that the terrifying context will continue beyond the end of the picture. Technically, I would make the case the movie doesn't actually possess a climax and resolution at all in the traditional cinematic sense.

But clearly this movie is intended to provide some scares as its primary raison d'être and it does that reasonably well. You can't expect a Disneyland ride for $0.74, can you? It's more like one of those rickety little rides that travel from town to town on the hayseed festival circuit. It isn't much, but the kids and the idiots love it, and I fall neatly into the latter category. You can tell that somebody loved it and did the best they could with what they had to work with. It's got heart, and it hit the target it was shooting for and is a commendable effort relative to its genre and station in life, and that makes it worth a watch by my standards.
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