A Look Into The Early 80's American Metal Scene
2 October 2016
I'm generally into rock and metal documentaries of famous bands. I came across this while looking for said music documentaries similar to Spinal Tap and this was a recommendation. After reading some reviews of my own it was portrayed as "funny" documentary. The only thing I found funny about this was looking 30 years into the past and the ridiculousness of it all. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the documentary. The interviewer takes a step back and asks some tough questions of the interviewed bands. Showing some of the highs (KISS) but mostly lows and sometimes almost tragic (Chris Holmes). It's amazing some of the interviews with bands at the time that didn't go anywhere, however the belief that they had in themselves and the self denial is remarkable. The documentary also delves into the associated world of female groupies who thought it necessary to parade themselves in bikini contests (and their obvious lack of reality and self denial). That said, DAMN their was some fit bodies! I think the film was well worth watching for some of the bigger names: Ozzy Osbourne was pretty funny (when he was at least coherent), Lemmy was probably the most truthful about the scene and industry at the time, KISS (Gene Simmons and Paul Stanly) showing the pretentiousness of it all. Dave Mustane from Megadeths interview was interesting, considering the songs played and you can see the references back to and disdain of Metallica. Overall the film captures a very ridiculous point in time and music that will never be repeated and really should be watched by any music fan.
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