Ice Sharks (2016 TV Movie)
Fun If Mindless Entertainment
9 October 2016
Ice Sharks (2016)

** (out of 4)

The setting is an Arctic research center where a group of scientists are trying to determine why the ice is thinning so quickly. Unfortuantly for them it's not due to global warming and instead it's a new kind of shark that is able to break through the ice and attack.

ICE SHARKS is pretty much the type of "C" non-sense that you'd expect from a film that aired on SyFy. thankfully the film is well-made enough to where the viewer can stay entertained even though there's no question that the story is quite silly and there are countless logical issues including the fact that they're in the Arctic yet you can never see anyone's breathe. With that said, if you enjoy watching these movies then this one here will keep you entertained.

If you're familiar with the type of movies SyFy makes then you should already know that you don't go in expecting some sort of art. In reality you just hope for some mindless entertainment and on that level ICE SHARKS delivers. I thought the scenes of the sharks breaking through the ice were fun and for the most part the characters were entertaining enough to keep you interested in their fate. As I said, I thought the film was well-made for the most part and director Emile Edwin Smith at least keeps the action moving and there really aren't any slow spots in the picture.

The CGI is pretty laughable as you'd expect but it's still much better than what you normally see. ICE SHARKS certainly isn't a masterpiece but it succeeds at what it set out to do.
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