A fun and educational game show!
20 November 2016
This was probably the only show I've watched on PBS when I was a kid. I remembered being excited to see a show that was based on a popular computer game, being entertained by all the sleuths, investigations, and crime solving.

This series is like a game show where the fictional Acme Crime Detective Agency (ACME) hires three gumshoes (contestants) to find the crook and recover the stolen loot, which is usually a famous cultural object like the Mona Lisa. After that the contestant has a chance to captures supercriminal Carmen Sandiego, which usually is a very rare accomplishment.

In addition to the entertainment, the show is very educational as contestants learn about geography and different cultures - a very clever way to gain knowledge and have fun playing a detective game at the same time. I always rooted for the capture of Carmen Sandiego, as I never did capture her myself while playing the computer game.

A fun and educational show, overall!

Grade A
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