The acting is OK...
23 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The actors do a decent job, but Kimmie bothers me a lot! Kimmie do some extreme work to make the plot connect.

She KO's Carl with a piece of pipe. thou Carl is aware of the pipe and he is a trained police officer. All right, he is kind of weird, maybe its just a flaw in his character.

She KO's the private investigator and escapes him the first time in the train cart. She then overpowers him in his own apartment, even thou he's holding a gun to her head. He is an ex-soldier with multiple combat experiences, but he can't pull the trigger? He cant even hold on to the gun. Come on...

Kimmie is then put in jail, but she knocks out a big, male police officer and flees the jail. How Rambo does she have to be, to make her relevant?

She is a skinny drug addict and shouldn't be able to do any of this. Besides Kimmie, the plot was rather predictable :(
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