weirdest movie ever?
31 December 2016
Where do I even begin?

I've always thought that the weirdest film I have ever seen was either "The Holy Mountain" or "Eraserhead", but now I am afraid that I must change my opinion. "No More Excuses" is easily the most bizarre film I have ever seen, which is not an easy feat, for some of my favorite filmmakers of all time include many who are notorious for their strangeness, such as David Lynch, Jan Svankmajer, and Werner Herzog.

However, it is important to note that "weird" does NOT equal "bad", because, while "No More Excuses" may be the weirdest film I have ever seen, it is also one of the funniest and all time greatest! It is practically impossible for me to describe the plot, because their really isn't any- it's just a mish mash of zany and satirical segments that collide and combine to create something truly hilarious and bizarre. The somewhat infamous finale of this film had me laughing like few others can because it was just so wild and shocking. Robert Downey Sr. injects this film with outrageous and offensive content-he has no barriers. Anything can happen in his world, which is the why it's so fascinating and fun to watch.

It's amazing how one of the most enjoyable and funny films I have ever seen contains rape, bestiality, and war-but that's just Robert Downey Sr. for you! He can make ANYTHING entertaining, which is why I think he deserves much more recognition. Only about 200 accounts so far have given this an IMDb rating, which is absolutely preposterous! If only everybody knew about these movies, then the world would be a better place.
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