I Love Melvin (1953)
O'Connor and Reynolds Make the Film
17 January 2017
I Love Melvin (1953)

*** (out of 4)

Charming Musical-comedy has Donald O'Connor playing Melvin Hoover, a wannabe photographer for Look magazine and someone who just hasn't caught his break. One day he runs into Judy LeRoy (Debbie Reynolds), a small time and unknown dancer and soon the two make it a mission to get her on the cover.

I LOVE MELVIN was released shortly after the huge success of SINGIN' IN THE RAIN and we get two of the three stars from that movie. I'm a little surprised that this film doesn't have a bigger following because even though it's not a masterpiece like that movie, it's at least entertaining enough to where more people should know of it. The film runs a rather short 77-minutes and manages to have a rather good story, some fun musical numbers and of course the chemistry between the two stars.

The best thing this film has going for it are the performances of both O'Connor and Reynolds. Both of them are perfectly suited for the roles and this is especially true for Reynolds who easily steals the picture. There's no question that her charm is at 100% and she really manages to make you care for her character and you just want to root her on so that she gets the cover. O'Connor is also extremely enjoyable playing that rather silly but charming role that he'd do quite often. The chemistry between the two is top-notch and they really make for a great and fun couple. Una Merkel, Allyn Joslyn and a cameo by Robert Taylor add to the charm.

The dance sequences are all pretty good but there's no question that the highlight is the roller skate sequence with O'Connor doing some wonderful tricks. The music numbers are also good but I'd argue that the best one happens rather early when we first see the two stars on the screen. I LOVE MELVIN has a great number of laughs and as I've said the chemistry with the stars makes this very much worth watching.
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