Doubt (2017)
I tried, but in the end I failed
11 March 2017
Unlike many reviewers I kinda like Katherine H, sure, she isn't the worlds best actor but she's persistent and tenacious, she can act the part when the material supports her along with good direction.

This show just felt like a terrible mashup of ideas, political correctness and attempts to cover too many bases, is it a drama, a comedy, a vehicle for musicians, all of the above.

I personally am not a fan of Laverne's acting, I always find her a little bit wooden and false, sure she can deliver a line, but then so could most of us - she might tick the 'diversity' box, but come on people, if the script is meh, and the direction is meh, at least try to get people on-board who can act?

Katherine, well, we all know the story here, early success, much acclaim, then a slow but steady decline into C grade movies and TV shows that rarely get past 6 episodes, let alone a season 2. As I said, I don't mind Katherine, she's an OK actor and actually from what I've seen of her off the screen via media and social media, she seems to be a good human being also. It just feels a little bit to me as if she is sabotaged, either by herself or others (i can't decided which) in the choices she makes. As another reviewer has mentioned, perhaps she should try a different genre, maybe she would make a good villain, maybe the masses would appreciate seeing her as some sort of rampaging psycho?

Anyways, the show has been canceled after two episodes, which kind of says much about the entire thing, surely the lead actors cannot solely be to blame for that? There is perhaps little value in watching it if you didn't already, I watched the first episode but have simply deleted the second, I figured the writers won't have don't anything amazing with one more episode, and who needs another show that just stops at the point where you may be starting to like it/them?

It will be interesting to see what happens next, I'm hoping Leverne just finds something that suits her, because acting really isn't it in my opinion, and Katherine, well she needs a rethink as well.
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