There's a reason this didn't get picked up
15 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Wonder Woman: Who's Afraid of Diana Prince?" is a 5-minute live action short film from 1967, so this one has its 50th anniversary this year. Back then, everybody loved Adam West's Batman show and film, so they tried to cash in probably with this brief episode we have here. Yes it is about a superhero, but there was nothing heroic about it. No villain gets chased, but the Wonder Woman part in the last third of the film is really cringeworthy how she stands in front of the mirror and admired herself. The grimaces, the face expressions etc. it was the reason why I gave it an even lower rating than I initially intended to. The first 3 minutes are still fairly bearable with the mother-daughter dialogue, even if nothing stands out there. The only thing memorable is really the ending with the mirror scene. Cringey stuff. It's also a bit unusual that you see another woman (the known Linda Harrison) play the character in costume as the actress playing Diana Prince is Ellie Wood Walker. Makeup was certainly good enough at that time to have one actress play both. Or just cast somebody who they can make look insignificant and stunning if EWW and Walker could only make one side work. All in all, nobody should be afraid of Diana Prince, but it's accurate to fear this film for how low the production values are. Superhero films sucked already back in the 60s sometimes and here we have one example, even if the reason is entirely different compared to today's outings. Final note: Leslie H. Martinson (who died at the ancient age of 101 in 2016) from "Batman" made this, but he could not turn the script or performances to gold here either. Also why are there so many writers for such a short film. Too many cooks. Watch something else.
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