Hooten & the Lady (2016–2017)
Your weekly treasure hunting
4 April 2017
"Hooten & the Lady" is an easy to see TV show, with the depth of a paper and with little to zero originality. However, the easy charm of the lead characters, their banter and the locations and their 'mystery' will keep the viewer interested in its short run of 8 episodes.

Lady Alex Spencer-Parker works for a museum in Britain. Her path gets across rogue, brutish, I-don't-know-what-a-saving-machine-is Hooten and pretty soon they both team up to search for lost artifacts, run away from 'bad people' and make havoc all around.

The story is simple as they come. In each episode, Hooten and Alex get together (for one reason or another) and have to work together to get to some mysterious object (normally in 'exotic' places like Burma). It doesn't stray for away from a cheap Indiana Jones knock-off, but both Alex and Hooten are charming enough (Lovibond and Landes doing an acceptable job with the paper thin personalities of the characters) and their paring works (one is always clean, smart and tries to do the right thing, the other a thief, dirty and selfish). With a recycled plot that is basically the same for each episode, it all depends on the characters and it is good that it is fun to share 40 minutes with them.

It all ends being shallow but fun, and it is short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome.
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