So much potential, so little achievement
4 April 2017
1. The idea of redoing Bloodsport with enough estrogen to fill a swimming pool is not as goofy as it sounds. There are entire chunks of this movie where you think, hey, this is not a bad idea. And then unfortunately there are also chunks where you are thinking, OMG what were they thinking?

2. Then there is the issue of picking a star. Like everything else in life, it is not so much WHAT you know but WHO you know. Clearly the people behind the drop-dead-gorgeous Johnston packaged this project to showcase their property. Problem is, if you see the film to the bitter end, you will find that you have identified at least six other beautiful and powerful women in the film (including the two gurus) who could have done a MUCH better job as the star.

3. And the script. Like everything else in the film, there are times it seems OK, and other times you hear yourself mumbling that your 9 year old nephew could have done a better job .

4. Finally, because there is enough blame to go around, the direction. Especially the lack of direction, in the fight scenes. Honestly cannot tell if this is just a director who does not know what he is doing OR -- an even scarier thought -- a director who knew he had to "work around" the limited skills of Johnston.
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