Waybuloo (2009–2013)
Calm, interactive and great viewing in mornings and early evenings.
13 April 2017
CBeebies made a really good effort on this show. You have the four main characters called Nok Tok (Blue), De Li (Pink), Lau Lau (Purple) and Yojojo (Orange). The show as what I mentioned in the title, The show is best suited in mornings and evenings. CBeebies, the channel that broadcasts Waybuloo does air the show at 20 mins to midday (11:40am). Sadly, they did take off Waybuloo in the evening in favour of an avarege proggramme called "64 Zoo Lane", Me and my kids happily still enjoy that show but back on topic, Waybuloo has a segment which encourages children to get up and exercice with good moves called "Yogo". So good, I will join in every time! Before the human kids called "Cheebies" come, They play a Hide and Seek like game called Peeka which are my children's faviroute part. Overall Waybuloo is a great show recommended for everyone of all ages!
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