Cyborg X (2016)
But why?...
2 May 2017
Let's just be honest with one another, we all know that with a movie such as this, then we all know that it is going to be one of those movies. You know, the low budget movies of the questionable kind. But still, we keep returning to movies such as this out of some morbid fascination with the cheesiness of them or the hopes that they might actually turn out to be watchable and entertaining.

"Cyborg X", however, didn't prove to be much of either...

Set in a dystopian future where a radical weapons manufacturer is overthrown by a virus, the movie pits man against machine. It does sound interesting enough, right? Indeed. But then you start watching the movie and it quickly turns to something quite different.

The first indicator of this being one of those infamous low budget and cheesy movies is that it has Danny Trejo as one of the leads. Sure, the man has some good enough movies to his name, but he is not really known for making impressive movies most of the time. And "Cyborg X" is just another one of those questionable movies notched to his belt.

"Cyborg X" is filled with characters that you care very little about, if you actually care at all, and that transcends into a pointlessness to the movie. And that pointlessness is further cemented as the concept idea for the storyline is just one that is not particularly believable.

Furthermore, it seems that the writer and director K. King has been watching a bit too many sci-fi movies such as "Terminator" around the time of writing the storyline for this movie, because there are so many similarities to that movie. Similarities or possibly just a matter of lack of originality and just settling on something that has been shown in countless other movies already.

For a Sci-Fi movie, then the effects in "Cyborg X" were mediocre, and here I am talking about the practical and special effects. And a Sci-Fi movie should have proper effects in order to be more convincing and believable. But while we are on the topic of effects, then the green screen effects in "Cyborg X" were so lousy and poor that they were just laughable to look at.

I was very amused with the approach the special effects team had opted to go with the look on the cyborgs in the movie. They looked like blatant knock-offs of Bane from "The Dark Knight Rises", and to make matters worse then they were growling like hunting lions. Seriously, this was the best they could muster?

The most enjoyable thing about "Cyborg X" was a scene where one of the surviving humans who were fighting against the weaponized cyborgs got his legs blown off. Now, that was not the funny part, not cool to laugh at horrific injuries. But the funny part was the scene where he was dragging/lifting himself along on the ground to battle the cyborgs; here you could clearly see the sand shift underneath him as his legs, that were obviously just dug into the sand, clearly indicating that this was a very cheap and poorly executed trick of hiding the actors legs.

I must admit that my focus often drifted away from the screen, and even so you never missed out on anything, and you were right up to speed with the movie once you returned, because nothing much of any greater significance or importance happened throughout the course of the movie.

If you enjoy Sci-Fi action movies, then do yourself a favor and stay well clear of "Cyborg X".
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