Reptilicus (1961)
Awesomely Bad Film!
2 May 2017
Reptilicus is just as ridiculous and poorly-contrived as its title. Its writing and bare-bones production value is so painfully obvious that, it's actually a joy to watch this thing because of how poorly done it is. It's Denmark's Godzilla without the trademark monster, without the visceral sense of disaster, and most importantly without the story. Basically imagine Europe's poor-man's answer to Japan's monster movies and you've got Reptilicus: a time capsule of a B-Grade treasure-chest that has been revived thanks to MST3K: The Return.

See this movie and witness the lackluster story, the beautifully awful direction. Unfortunately this film is quite boring when it's not Reptilicus-ising everything. People talk and talk, and when we do see the monster it's not nearly enough. It's a movie that's so-bad-it's-good AND so-bad-it's-bad at the same time! See this film, either through renting/buying it, or through the MST3K: The Return episode that's just come out!
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