Speak No Evil (2013)
Absolutely Terrible
8 May 2017
I had to register just so that I could comment on this movie. It is utter trash and if I can help one soul, PLEASE do not watch this. Watching movies on Netflix, I usually do a search on IMDb first, and if the movie is at least 5.0/10, I will watch it. For some reason, I didn't search this movie in IMDb.com before watching. What a mistake. With a 3.7/10 rating at the time of this post, this was 1 hour of my life I'd like back.

Even though I posted that there aren't any spoilers, I think there is 1 spoiler...If you rented or started watching this on Netflix, that is a guaranteed evening spoiler.

No character development. No dialogue. No rational thinking by characters...nothing. But the actors/actresses did their best with what they had, and I'd have to give them a 5/10 for that. Everything else should be a zero, but the lowest I can rate is 1...unfortunately.
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