When We Rise: Parts II and III (2017)
Season 1, Episode 2
So Many Issues And Slow Progress
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Cleve and the main cast continue their saga as we get ready to head into the GRID era of HIV/AIDS and it's effect on the Gay Rights Movement. Milk is murdered, but then what is about to come is pure murder of a lot of gay people.

The beginning of HIV/AIDS was the scariest time in history for a lot of people. The causes of the disease were difficult and the Center for disease control was calling it GRID. There were rumors which were later proved to be not accurate that the disease was strictly isolated to gay people. I give this series credit that the writers went beyond the obvious headline maker early cases of death from HIV/AIDS, Rock Hudson and Liberace, and dig into the common folks getting the disease. Presented here is the little known photo and fact that the scene of the capital filled with more Aids Victims Quilt Panels than attended Barack Obama's Inauguration hammers home this fact.

There is lots more to come as the series moves forward.
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