Demon and the Mummy (1975 TV Movie)
Second Kolchak feature derived from the short lived series
25 June 2017
Like its companion feature "Crackle of Death," "Demon and the Mummy" is comprised of two episodes from the beloved KOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER teleseries, the former with episodes "Firefall" and "The Energy Eater," this one from "Demon in Lace" and "Legacy of Terror." That was the reason these four entries were unavailable in syndication, either on the CBS Late Show or cable's Sci-Fi channel. In both cases, Darren McGavin's intrepid newshound ventures back and forth between two different plot lines, with new voiceovers attempting to bridge gaps in continuity. "Demon in Lace" is the more satisfying of these admittedly weak story lines, almost too similar in the lineup of victims, young male college students succumbing to fatal heart attacks, those from "Legacy of Terror" found with their hearts cut out. The early portion kicks off with the Demon, interrupted by the entire Mummy outing, finishing up with the final revelation of the succubus that has lured virile young men to their untimely deaths. With the entire series now easily available, viewing these four individual episodes is the best way to watch them intact, but these two hard to find compilations warrant a look for the curious, last seen on the Sci-Fi channel in 1998.
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