Riviera (2017–2020)
Great start but AWFUL ending - Spoilers
30 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This contains spoilers throughout.

I appreciate that Riviera is all about glitz and glamour so the beautiful scenery and fantastic clothes lured me in at first I was interested in the premise and the show had a lot of good actors in it so I decided due to all of this to watch. While SKY are touting this as some complex thriller, it is a high budget Dallas-esq type of Drama. I should have seen earlier that this show would have issues with it's very odd casting- for example an French family who have a Dad with an American accent and three children all utterly different and with British accents (especially bizarre as one child is suppose to be a love child of two dark Olive skinned people and is ghostly white and ginger haired!) That being said there was some half decent writing and acting in parts of the show early on, a lot of different stories weaving around but it managed to bring a lot together and keep me interested. Is Constantine actually dead, who would have wanted the family dead and what, if anything are the family hiding? Around episode 6\7 it feels like someone else took over the entire story and that everything that came before was a different show. Characters and plots disappear without explanation to make way for mafia and helicopters and a whole new line of plot. All of this happens for no reason and no one questions what is happening. I really dislike it when I feel like I have wasted a lot of hours on a show and that is how this show made me feel.

So many plot holes and unanswered questions as the show goes and even at the end it is all left without explanation as the ending points to the fact he may have been alive or planning to run away but the show never explains these things, there are many unnecessary deaths which add nothing to the plot but sensationalism and the ending, which manages to be dizzying stupid, out of character,pointless and badly executed all in one hour episode, seems to point to them wanting to make another season. Watching the final 10 minutes which was a desperate gasp to keep sensationalism all the way through, was like watching the characters have an out of body experience. Maybe if season 2 bought the addition of aliens they would not seem out of place in this production as it seems to have multiple new personalities as it ends and nothing is off limits. If you like character based, well written and thoughtful drama's this is not for you.
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