Captain America (1979 TV Movie)
Truly the pits!
1 July 2017
I wasn't expecting much from this attempt by "Universal" in making a feature length pilot of the superhero "Captain America." My initial doubts have been more than justified! Where do I begin? Who ever thought that the leading man could actually act must have been on another planet. Reb Brown is the worst or one of the worst so- called performers in the entertainment industry. All he is, is just some dumb beefcake who couldn't project any depth or emotion to save his life. Alarmingly poor. The rest of the cast I won't mention. The plot really drags along and it made little sense. It shouldn't have taken so long for Steve Rogers to don the familiar "Captain America" costume but this doesn't occur until about 65 minutes into the television film for goodness sake! Even then, the costume looks completely wrong and bears little resemblance to the one designed for the comic book. There is no reference to the Second World War because that was when Captain America's origin story began. Why wasn't the villain the Red Skull not included in this television film? He is synonymous with Captain America, just like Batman and the Joker, Spiderman and the Green Goblin etc. The action scenes are very lame and instantly forgettable.
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