This Time With More Stupid
10 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A script works well when characters are confronted with situations that push them into conflict, where their choices are plausible and realistic within the circumstances they face. That doesn't happen here.

It seems that the writers well and truly ignored the colossal storytelling errors of Prometheus and instead chose to write similarly infuriating characters for Alien: Covenant. This lack of awareness from the film's producers is, frankly, astonishing.

As with Prometheus the characters are not just repeatedly unprofessional but at times incredibly stupid. A crew trained for space travel would be selected for their ability to maintain composure under pressure but these characters haphazardly ignore safety protocols and are overemotional in situations where you'd expect at least some calm professionalism. The only role that actually gets some character development is Daniels, who (someone, finally) shows some quick-thinking Ripleyesque chutzpah very late in the film. Unfortunately, Daniels doesn't feature enough for the audience to really care about her, probably as a result of having far too many minor characters competing for screen time.

The result is a story that feels artificially bumped along by the inane poor judgment of the characters rather than the choices circumstances force them to make. I was going to write a paragraph on the ending but decided it's literally too annoying and predictable to waste time trying.

It's a shame, really. Everyone wanted this to be better than the last one. Like Prometheus it has awesome production design and looks amazing. There are some good set scenes but as a whole the film delivers a frustrating, confounding mess that sadly disappoints.

PS: For a comedic actor in a serious role Danny McBride is actually very good in this but unfortunately his character's unthinking recklessness made me shout at the screen.
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