The Eye 3 (2005)
Tries to be funny...
23 July 2017
But fails miserably.

"The Eye 3" (or "10" or "Infinite"; luckily for us so there are no more after it) is a big mess of a movie, a pointless exercise that fails at all levels. The Pang Brothers have tried to make a tongue-in-cheek movie that pokes fun to the previous two, but what we end up is a really silly silly movie that makes no sense whatsoever and that could be put together with masterpieces as "Meet the Spartans". The movie is just 80-odd minutes long but feels infinite. Hah, see what I did there?

We have five friends that go to Thailand. There, the local one of the five tells them of a book that shows of different ways to see ghosts. Mayhem ensues.

The plot is just there to look pretty, because there is no other reason for it to be. There is no logic to the events, and it is all an excuse for the different ways to see ghosts to be put on screen. All mixed with dancing fights, or bad breath jokes. Sadly, the humor is juvenile as it comes, and, not only so, but it falls flat. A couple of smiles or chuckles it the most the movie will produce.

Best forgotten.
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