This is strictly a Turkish film that only Turks will understand. Do not even consider watching this. I totally mean it when I say this isn't for you.
14 August 2017
You will be lost in translation. But that's not the real problem here. Even the thought of trying to explain why Turks love this so much gives me a headache. There is no way.

Brotherhood, solidarity, togetherness, family, collectivism, naivete... picture the poverty with which the movie was shot spilling over into the screen and we Turks loving even that and the mistakes, too. The exaggeration and the stupidity in it. The real thing in the surreal. The 3d soul projected from caricature like 2d characters. That cheesy music we love so much belonging to a Turkey that is now long gone. The kind face of Munir Ozkul - the teacher, the father, the poor, the honest.

These guys, many of the stars in the movie had often been typecast to the point that they felt like an additional member of your family. You can see Saban's character in many other movies, for instance. You can see Munir Ozkul acting the same character in some other movie, the only distinction being his different name. So when this movie is on TV, Turks know what these guys are all about.

Still there is some intangible aspect to the culture I cannot explain and I won't try to.

This is about Turkishness. That is now long gone. Our expats watch this stuff when they miss their homeland. So this is not for you and don't let its high rating deceive you. This is worth a high rating, but only from our pov, for reasons we just cannot explain. Just don't watch it. It will be a huge disappointment for you.
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