The Monkey's Paw (I) (2013)
The Monkey's Paw: Harmless enough re-imagining of a classic tale
21 August 2017
The Monkeys Paw is a tale that has been covered cinematically several times over the years including as far back as the early 30's. It tells the story of a paw that grants wishes but the twist is that it corrupts whatever it provides.

The original story always told of a parent who wants a deceased child returned from the dead, this version tweeks that slightly but is still loyal to its source material.

Stephen Lang brings life to the rather dull cast and brings forth a performance only rivalled by his in Don't Breathe (2016)

Not the best version and a tad slow this is one of those premises where you could do a lot with it but here they fail to do so.

Perfectly watchable but perhaps should have been somewhat better.

The Good:

Stephen Lang

The Bad: Oddly boring

Things I learnt from this movie:

Monkeys Paw would make a great television series!
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