They Saved Hitler's Brain (1968 TV Movie)
The new footage is like an aspirin that prolongs your headache.
21 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The original 74-minute movie, released in 1963, was titled THE MADMEN OF MANDORAS. For its 1968 TV release, it featured 25 minutes of new footage and had the punchier title, THEY SAVED HITLER'S BRAIN. Not only does the new footage contain rotten actors, the clothing and hairstyles they wear did not exist yet in 1963. And yet, the cars were all year-appropriate. Go figure.

Our hero, Phil Day, is a U.S. intelligence agent. He—and for some reason, his wife—are dispatched to the Caribbean island of Mandoras, where the abducted Professor Coleman is being held. Coleman has developed the antidote to G-Gas, a tiny dab of which is enough to kill an elephant. Numerous canisters are in the hands of a small (and highly incompetent) group of neo-Nazis who have kept Hitler's severed head alive in a fancy pickle jar of some sort. On the wall behind him is a mural-sized faux swastika. I say "faux" because it faces backwards.

Anyway, the Nazis plan to unleash the G-Gas on an unsuspecting world, killing off the lion's share of the human race so that Hitler can return to power. They abducted Coleman to keep him from producing his antidote. With the lobbing of a few grenades, Agent Day foils their plan, in the process melting Hitler's head in a fire.

Item: How will abducting Professor Coleman halt the production of his antidote? Presumably, he wrote the formula down and passed a copy on to someone (like the government).

Item: In the new footage, the wall of a government office shows a picture of Eisenhower. I'm pretty sure Kennedy was president in 1963.

Item: On Mandoras, the Days encounter numerous stereotypes of Latin Americans: the "El Presidente" dictator of the island; the fat, sweaty police chief who's not what he seems; his lazy second-in- command; the cafe with both a Mariachi band and a Flamenco dancer…. You get the idea.

Item: One of the neo-Nazi higher-ups tells Agent Day, "The giant bombs of your armies will be dust in front of us!" This is one of the movie's better lines.

Item: Hitler's dialogue consists entirely of "Mach schnell, mach schnell!" And his minions speak German that sounds less authentic than HOGAN'S HEROES.

Item: Seeing Hitler's severed head in the back seat of a car makes watching this thing nearly worthwhile.

How has MST3K not roasted this cloaca of a film?
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