Hilariously stupid!
22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The citizens of Tokyo are shocked and afraid when they see a U.F.O. above their city. However, the aliens (called "Pairans") mean us no harm. Indeed, they've come to warn us that a runaway planet is on a collision course with the Earth. As the approaching Planet R makes our weather hotter and hotter, humankind works with the scientifically advanced Pairans to find a means to destroy it before time runs out on the human race.

The Pairans look like baggy, human-sized starfish with one huge, glowing blue eye in the middle. They waddle about a minimalist spaceship, speaking in heavily modulated voices while trying desperately to convince us humans that we're in grave danger. Finally, one of the Pairans (named "Number 1") assumes human form and comes to Earth.

There's little here by way of logic. For example, why evacuate Tokyo if Planet R is going destroy the entire Earth? Why take refuge in an underground shelter when the increasingly hot weather has caused the rivers to rise, flooding places like the underground shelters?

There's also a sub-plot in which the Yakuza kidnaps Dr. Matsuda, who developed a formula for a super-atomic bomb that can blow Planet R to smithereens. Matsuda is kept bound and gagged in an old warehouse for a month (Yes, a month!) before anyone thinks to look for him. Talk about unmotivated!

Ultimately, WARNING FROM SPACE is a message movie—that message being, if we of different races and cultures can overlook our differences and work hand-in-hand, we can build an atomic weapon powerful enough to blow an entire planet to bits. Gosh, how inspiring!
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