Review of The Crystals

Buck Rogers: "The Crystals"
27 August 2017
PLOT: Buck, Wilma & Hawk explore an uncharted planet seeking power-giving crystals for the Searcher whereupon they discover the greenish mummified remains of a humanoid and a beautiful innocent girl with amnesia (Amanda Wyss). The situation turns dire when the mummy comes alive and Crichton claims the girl will eventually morph into a creature like the "mummy."

COMMENTARY: This is perhaps the most Star Trek-like episode of the series, although it's not as compelling as most Star Trek installments (TOS, that is). The highlight is, of course, petite cutie Amanda Wyss who prances around in a flattering white toga the entire segment. Most viewers will remember Wyss from her role in "A Nightmare on Elm Street" a few years later (1984). In any case, she's impressive in this episode, sprightly and convincing, and the producers tastefully showcase her beauty.

The 'monster' looks like a cross between Marvel's Man-Thing and the Swamp Thing costume from the 1982 movie of the same name, although way cheesier. Wilma is appareled in a relatively loose jumpsuit uniform the entire episode, which might turn-off guys who prefer her usual skin-tight outfits, but it's nice to see the Colonel in something different. Thankfully, Twiki's original voice (by Mel Blanc) is restored after five episodes with the higher kiddie voice.
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