Jackals (I) (2017)
A disappointment after solid hype.
4 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this after the movie was hyped a bit on a few online horror forums and ended up being fairly disappointed.

Admittedly, I'm not big on home invasion flicks as it is so take that into consideration.

There doesn't seem to be any reason for the 80s setting outside of an excuse not to have cellphones. The home, clothing and style could easily be modern. The only 80s style with the filming is the grain, and the story seems more late 90s-early 00s than anything.

The acting is pretty solid but the cult member brother goes a bit too far into the crazy scale and ends up coming off a bit silly.

The cult members that attack look cool, but seem a bit to similar to the You're Next and Strangers villains, and it was a little frustrating to not get any detail about the cult at all, making the story seem a bit, useless maybe? They're also given little to no personality. But that seems fine with the huge personalities of the family members.

The camera work on the beginning is really dark and shoddy, but the rest of the film is shot very well. The editing is good, but was this cut down significantly? With the lack of a good ending (the one present is really abrupt and does nothing for the story) and the weird edition of Matteo that's never really properly explained it seems like maybe this was chopped up a bit too much.

The effects were good, of simple and not super unique. I did like the burning hands.

Stephen Dorff was a nice surprise and I liked his character above the others, which turned out to be unfortunate. Props on getting him though.

All in all, it certainly isn't terrible it's just not really my speed, as it's more of an action over substance home invasion which isn't really my thing, as I said before.
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