Four Legends
12 September 2017
The Dick Cavett Show: Altman/Bogdanovich/Brooks/Capra (1972)

If you're a film buff then you'll certainly want to check out this episode of The Dick Cavett Show as we're given four legendary directors, three of them at the start of their careers. This here is really a lot of fun but it's a shame that it lasts just a hour. The four men are brought on stage one at a time and then there's a round table discussion where various topics are brought up including if Hollywood is on their last legs. It's interesting getting to hear from the likes of Altman and Bogdanovich who had just scored some major critical hits and Brooks does his comic bits just before his own career would take off. It's most fascinating getting to hear from Capra who talks about IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT, the disastrous LOST HORIZON screening and of course he gives some tips to the younger guys. The extended version of LOST HORIZON has been something that historians have tried to find for decades now and hearing Capra here discuss burning two reels will probably make some cry.

Episode: A
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