Los cuervos (1961)
Interesting and provoking Julio Coll film , plenty of ruthless and ambitious characters
13 September 2017
Don Carlos (Jorge Rigaud) is a powerful businessman who has three months of life for a heart stroke and from that moment on the National Banks will deny him credits . His assistant and secretary is Cesar (Arturo Fernández) who tells him that there is a German professional named Dr. Kranik (Francisco or Paco Morán) dedicated to undergoing heart transplants that could help him . While , Cesar has seized the heart of Don Carlos' daughter (Rosanda Monteros) who subsequently will find out a dark secret . As Don Carlos wants to spend his fortune into a clandestine surgical operation . Meantime , the management staff (Rafael Durán , Santiago Rivero , Vicente Soler , José María Caffarel) attempt to rule over the rich enterprise .

Thought-provoking Julio Coll movie meshing Film Noir , with melodrama and Sci-Fi , too ; though without outstanding none of them . This is an enjoyable film full of betrayals , cheating , deceiving , thrills , twists , turns , crosses and double-crosses . The film describes ambition and corruption of mean magnates and businessmen , including an egoistic mistress , Berta/Ana Maria Noé , the ruthless Don Cesar/Jorge Rigaud and his closest associates who will start a race to take over all his companies and the actions of the business attempting to take advantage of his convalescence . Decent acting by Jorge Rigaud as Don Carlos, a wealthy tycoon of the industry who has a serious heart injury that means he has three months to live and subsequently spending much of his fortune in organizing everything . Top-drawing acting all around . Nice performance from Arturo César, as the secretary of don Carlos , a dark character with sinister intentions , including vengeance and justice . Support cast is frankly excellent such as : Rafael Durán , José Maria Caffarel , Santiago Rivero , Beni Deus , Paco Morán and Ana Maria Noé . Here stands out the initial credit titles with images of crows as intelligent metaphor , identifying these animals , scavengers birds , with the ambitious characters throughout the film to get success , power and revenge . Special mention for the jazzy score by José Solá and atmospheric cinematography in black and white by Francisco Marin . The flick has relation to the popular films directed by Frank Capra , in which was a sour criticism on capitalism , economic exploitation and speculation , such as : ¨American madness¨(1932) , ¨You can't take with you¨(1938) and ¨It's a wonderful life¨(1946) .

The motion picture was professionally directed by Julio Coll . It won Fotogramas De Plata 1963 Best Spanish Movie Performer : Arturo Fernández . Coll had a long career , being expert on ¨Noir film¨ , he started collaborating in more than 30 scripts , as the classic ¨Apartado De Correos 1001¨(50) by Julio Salvador . His best works were at the beginning his career as ¨Nunca Es Demasiado Tarde¨ , ¨Carcel De Cristal¨, ¨Un Vaso De Whisky¨ and ¨Los Cuervos¨ in which there is social drama , intriguing elements and solid dramatic narrative . In 1958 he created the production company ¨Juro Film¨ with whom he writes , produces and directs his films as ¨Distrito Quinto¨(1958) . As he shoots ¨La Cuarta Ventana¨ (61) , ¨Ensayo General De La Muerte¨ and ¨Los Muertos No Perdonan¨ (63) . Julio , subsequently , made international co-productions as ¨Fuego¨ with Barry Sullivan , ¨Comando De Asesinos¨ with Peter Van Eyck , ¨Persecución Hasta Valencia¨ with Tom Tryon and the historical ¨La Araucana¨ with Elsa Martinelli and based on Luis De Camoens book until his death at 73.
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