Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd star in this movie
23 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, what a surprise! I was expecting something lighthearted from the guys behind "Wet Hot American Summer." Something funny and stupid. Heck, even a bunch of the same actors are in this. Instead I found this movie to be very serious, and to quite obviously take itself very seriously. This film even crosses over perhaps into "mega-serious." Sure, it was likely nominated for a couple of big Oscars, but it could really have benefited from a little levity, in this humble reviewer's opinion. I will say this though: the screenplay was very original. If I had to say it bore any similarity to any pieces of cinema I've seen I would call it maybe, in my mind, kind of like a mix of "The English Patient," that one movie where the one guy likes to blow stuff up and the other guy has a job where he stops bombs from blowing up and he tries to stop the one guy from blowing stuff up, and that Richard Gere/Julia Roberts movie where Roberts is a bride who wears tennis shoes or something. And also sort of that Robin Williams movie in which he's a robot who becomes human ("Millennium Man" I wanna say), because - if I remember correctly - Poehler's character dies at the end and is replaced by a six foot-seven titanium robot that the Rudd character falls even more madly in love with (and has a lot of (hot) sex with). In any event, if you are in the mood for a dry downer of a film that kind of drags on, is mainly only worth watching for the person-robot sex scenes in the final act, and stars two probable Canadians (Rudd and Poehler), then I would Highly recommend this title: an oddly super serious film by the makers of and performers in "Wet Hot American Summer" and its sequels/spinoff, "Wetter, Hotter American Summer," "Wet, Lukewarm Russian Summer," and "Wet Hot American Summer: The TV Series."
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