Rick and Morty: The Rickchurian Mortydate (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
Feeling sad and...a little bored.
2 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the potential to finish a great season on a strong note, this finale is missing a lot. Rick's fight with the President is fun but feels like a throwback to Pickle Rick with lots of badass inventions that serve no purpose other than proving how smart Rick is, which we already know. The writers tried to make the President into an antagonist, instead of bringing back more dangerous villains like Tammy and Phoenixperson or Evil Morty. Nonetheless, the President is an entertaining character that could be developed in future seasons, and he certainly makes the episode exciting through his stubbornness.

The side story with Beth's re-connection with Jerry feels rushed, as we were only introduced to the possibility of Beth being a clone last episode and the divorce only happened earlier this season. With both Beth and Rick reaching a new level of maturity last episode, it didn't make sense that The Rickchurian Mortydate ended the way it did. Additionally, it seemed that Rick and Jerry had become closer this season, which seemed to completely vanish when Rick found out Beth and Jerry were back together. The idea that Beth may or may not be a clone adds a mysterious dynamic to the family, but it doesn't provide even close to the same cliff-hanger that we got at the end of season 2. This finale is disappointing, but does not fail to be clever and amusing.
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