Pasta/Paella Western co-produced by Italy/Spain with two usual Spaghetti stars : Angel Del Pozo and Miguel De La Riva
9 October 2017
Middling Italian-Spanish Western with habitual actors , customary scenarios and realized in Chorizo/Spaghetti style . The film displays thrills , noisy action , violence , shootouts , final twist and being enough entertaining . The movie contains typical particularities Spaghetti , as it is full of fury , sadism : bloodbaths , and close-ups of grime-encrusted faces . This is an average Spaghetti Western with some moments genuinely entertaining if you can avoid thinking too much . The town of San Felipe is plagued by robberies . There arrives George Benson (Ángel Del Pozo as Anthony Clark) , a good-looking and elegant gentlemen to marry the niece (Luciana Gilli) of the powerful land baron of the turbulent city and a Pistolero called Ringo (Miguel de la Riva aka Michael Martin) . One of whom is a foppish , and the other one results to be a gunslinger who flees from justice . There are several assaults on stagecoaches , robbing gold railway , though the thieves find Malaga wine bottles . The major suspect turns out to be a local landowner , the businessman Henry O'Brien, (Peter White) . As Ringo works on his ranch , the other , Benson , becomes his daughter's fiancé.

This Western is a passable outing because it displays thrills , emotion , shoot'em up , saloon brawls , intrigue , riding pursuits and many other things . It's a medium budget Spaghetti film with acceptable actors , technicians , production values and pleasing results . Agreeable Spaghetti Western follows the American models as well as Sergio Leone style . The film blends frenetic action , crossfire , violence , blood , and it is fast moving and quite entertaining . The picture is a tale of justice in which two strangers , who are really two Federal Agents , are sent to investigate stagecoaches robbing , and delivering peace and order ; the basic plot is typical spaghetti western fare , but what makes this movie stand out is its style . There is plenty of action in the movie , guaranteeing some shots or stunts every few minutes . The starring called George Benson is decently played by Angel Del Pozo , here gives better acting than other films , his character is a coward , shy , foppish man who is humiliated at every turn , but subsequently he dons a dark outfit and wearing scarf , he becomes into the masked rider , Zorro-alike . Del Pozo played several Maccaroni/Tortilla Western as "Fort Yuma Gold" , ¨The hawk and the prey¨ , ¨Savage Pampa¨, "Face to Face" , "A Bullet for the President" and ¨El Condor¨. While his pal , Miguel De La Riva , also performed numerous Westerns playing usually secondary roles as "I'll Kill Him and Return Alone¨, "Four Dollars for Vengeance" , ¨Dynamite Jim¨, "One Dollar of Fire" , "Shoot to Kill" and ¨Oeste Nevada Joe¨ . Angel Del Pozo and Miguel De La Riva take law on his own arms , executing thespian skills , bounds and leaps and shooting and throughly enjoying themselves . Support cast is pretty well , including familiar faces from Spaghetti/Chorizo Western as Milo Quesada , Livio Lorenzon , Jose Riesgo , Germano Longo , among others . Atmospheric and evocative cinematography by Eloy Meya , shot on ordinary locations in Colmenar Viejo, La Pedriza , Manzanares El Real, Madrid and Elios studios , Lazio , Rome . Enjoyable musical score by Carlos Castellanos , adding Spaghetti sounds in Ennio Morricones style .

The motion picture was professionally directed by Alfonso Brescia , though contains some flaws and gaps . Al Bradley was a craftsman who directed all kind of genres . Alfonso Brescia or Al Bradley was born in Rome , 1930, and died in 2001 . He was a director and writer, known for directing Westerns as : Days of Violence , White Fang and the Hunter , Killer Caliber and The Colt Is My Law . Alfonso began directing muscle-men epics as The Conqueror of Atlantis , The magnificent gladiator , La Rivolta dei Pretoriani . He also directed Sci-Fi and Sword and witchery genre as Iron Warrior , Sette Uomini D'Oro Nello Spazio , The war of the robots ; Adventure as Zanna Bianca , Amazons against Supermen and Wartime films such as Objetivo Rommel , Misiones Ardientes and Hell in Normandy .
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