Guernica (2016)
Give me an enemy
24 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The film is a fictionalized drama of a true story, based on the events that took place April 26, 1937 in Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. The movie follows the life of famed American reporter Henry Howe (James D'Arcy) as he attempts to get out stories while being censored. He is embedded with the rebels in Basque country, aided by Russian communists. The rebels are fighting for a Democratic Spain against Franco, supported by Germany and Italy. A new war technique is going to be used on that said day as the film starts a week earlier, giving us enough time to develop a love story.

This is a film on the Spanish Civil War that doesn't involve Hemingway, the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, or a labyrinth...although Hemingway was mentioned. Like a Hemingway novel on the Spanish Civil War, the film is a bit laborious to get through and there is a bell that tolls. This is not a documentary it is a historical novel and does not involve zombies.

The film is done in multiple languages, English, Spanish, German, Russian, and maybe Basque, French, and Italian. You might want to make sure you get something with subtitles. It is mostly a drama with a protagonist that wasn't that likable and sees the war through his hip flask. Not for everyone.

Guide: No swearing (In English anyway). Brief nudity (María Valverde).
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