What did you expect, a turkey card?
3 November 2017
Among the Peanuts seasonal specials, 'A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving' does seem to get somewhat lost in the shuffle. This may be because, overall, it's just not as memorable as 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' or 'It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown'.

It's still quite delightful for any Peanuts fan, starting off on a classic note as Lucy once gain pulls the football away from our hero. Soon, the terminally wishy-washy Charlie Brown finds himself roped into preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for Peppermint Patty and her friends Marcie & Franklin. This, despite the fact that all he's capable of preparing is cold cereal and maybe toast. But Linus, Snoopy, and Woodstock all pitch in, and before long a feast of toast, jellybeans, pretzel sticks, and popcorn awaits the kids.

Giving the special some gravitas is the ever level-headed Linus, who gently reminds us why this holiday exists in the first place.

'A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving' definitely has its bonuses. The characters are all funny as usual, with Snoopy and Woodstock taking centre stage for a while. One priceless bit has Snoopy engaging in a battle with an uncooperative chair. That "Little Birdie" tune sung by Peanuts composer Vince Guaraldi is very amusing. And there's that classic hysterical bit of nonsense when an adult voice (Charlie Browns' grandmother) is represented by some squawking on a trumpet.

Although lightweight compared to the Christmas and Halloween specials, this is still good, solid, charming entertainment that delivers some honest laughs and subtly stated sentiment.

Seven out of 10.
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