Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Pegasus (1994)
Season 7, Episode 12
Number One's test of character
14 November 2017
Thoroughly absorbing from beginning to end, 'The Pegasus' makes terrific use of conflict; Riker opposes his former commanding officer (Terry O'Quinn), and Picard stands by as the ultimate judge. There's also the big question looming overhead: what was the "experiment" that led to a mutiny and the loss of a ship in deep space? The moving parts of this are all well-coordinated and O'Quinn plays a good villain (in a long line of sociopathic admirals). Levar Burton also deserves credit in the director's chair for the episode's staging, but the primary appeal is to see what sorts of skeletons could possibly be in Will Riker's closet; and it's a fascinating excavation.

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