Time's Sacrifice
19 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen episode.

This is my favorite episode of the series; it definitely predates "12 Monkeys" and even "The Terminator" as both have similar premises of a man going back in time to save the future.

The late Martin Landau is just excellent as Andros whom is a tortured protagonist and his mutated condition reflects that. You really feel for this character as he is faced with a ulitarism dilemma where he has to prevent a couple from conceiving a child whom will bring destruction to the future, by any means necessary. That's a pretty heavy dilemma for anyone despite possibly crossing an ethical boundary, there are the billions of lives at stake to consider.

But what really powers it is the interaction between both the girl and him which I think is beautiful. In a way it's almost kinda a Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Despite the image he's putting up to cover his real face she isn't concerned about his looks, she like/loves him for who he is as a person which is part of what love I feel is really about. And in the interaction we get more depth to his character and what kind of a future he's lived in, which gives him even more emotional weight and emphasize more with his mission.

The ending I'll admit is bittersweet and one of the saddest I've ever seen but just goes to show the meaning of love and sacrifice. The love of one is also the love of humanity itself.

Rating: 4 stars
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