Review of Singularity

Singularity (I) (2017)
The Room now has competition!
26 November 2017
Wow. Horrible, horrible movie but I had a great time watching it... just make sure you have a bottle of wine and someone to laugh with. Full admission, I love(d) mystery science theater 3000 and this movie would have been a perfect target for it- a worthy competitor to Santa Claus Conquers the Martians or Manos Hands of Fate. There were point in the movie where I found myself laughing hysterically at how many scenes/story lines/special effects had been lifted from other movies or video games. By my count there were at least a dozen - most notable being terminator (several of them), matrix, gladiator, hunger games, blade runner, mech warrior, battlestar galactica, transcendence, Independence Day.... I could go on for a while. Others have noted the plot holes and I agree with their assessment. With that said, this movie is the good type of bad. Don't watch it looking for a serious dystopian movie- seriously, the main character has bleached white teeth, a jersey shore tan and highlighted hair - his love interest has a cell phone (didn't society collapse 97 years ago?), perpetual lip gloss, and a bow and arrow (apparently to shoot robots)..and let's not mention the Cusakinator. Do watch if you are looking for something to make fun of for about 90 minutes. Positive points, no one disappeared after catching a football or being diagnosed with cancer! I also don't think this cost $6m to produce. If that makes no sense, please look up The Room.
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