The Doll (V) (2017)
A slasher version of weird science
8 December 2017
A movie that tries something different to the tried and tested slasher genre . A guy tries to cheer his friend up after a nasty break up by hiring a type of what he thinks is a hooker from an online site. When she turns up, she is unnaturally beautiful but seems to be a little on the odd side. The guys put it down to her being Russian , but their maybe darker forces at work. we've all had a nasty break up , so you can understand the motivations of these guys .Overall a fun lower budget slasher movie that asks why do slashers always look like a big burly guy in a mask. What can't it be a pretty girl and how would people react to it. I liked the relationship and dialog between the friends. Valeria doesn't say much but she is perfectly cast as a odd 'working girl' that seems to have something wrong with her under her dead doll like eyes . A bigger body count than i was expecting with some gore shots. Some scenes don't work quite as well and there are a couple of plot holes. On the surface you maybe tempted to write it off and a low budget B- movie. But i appreciate it when film makers try something new with genres that we've seen done many times before . It's worth a watch if you are a fan of indie horror movies , there is enough blood, boobies and Barbies to keep you satisfied
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