Limitless: Stop Me Before I Hug Again (2016)
Season 1, Episode 13
Hard to get past how "FAIL" this episode is.
10 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First: I virtually NEVER sign in---to ANY site---even if I have an insightfully pertinent comment or response to comments...sigh. I'm a bit dismayed I suffered the (UN-intuitive/badly coded) sign-in process here at IMDb, but I appreciate the site otherwise----so, I owe 'em (and you).

I loved the movie; mostly like the series a lot---tho' it can be lame at times. I use Netflix, tend to binge---LOVE no commercials(!!!) I can excuse misses if quality prevails. In fact, by ep.12 I'd become a fan----UNTIL EPISODE 13. I'd've just jumped to 14---shaken off this inexplicably BAD producer screw-up---only to find there are key 'eggs' hidden amongst the thorns of embarrassingly stupid FAILS.

I wouldn't feel so irritated---OK---insultive---if I could've weathered the stupid moments; but there are WAYYY too many. Irritation became resenting became bail-on-the-series sense of vested-interest wasted.

It's rather moot, now, given show's cancellation---except that vested interest nags: Move on? or see if latter eps are even worth the time. I suspect THIS episode proved renewal's poison pill. I chafe at temptation to vest further interest after this burn. (I KNOW: "GET a life!"...sigh.)

UPDATE: I've upgraded this ep to 3-stars, amazed how great the actors did- --with crap-infused script. It had worthy moments THEY pulled off, and....grrrudgingly...I admit the writing/directing was good---were it not for the painfully dumb bits.

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