Revenge is a dish served boring
30 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"A Dangerous Place" is one of several movies the teenaged martial arts trained Ted Jan Roberts made for the PM Entertainment film company. None of these movies were particularly good, and this one may the worst of the bunch. It's not really Roberts' fault that the movie is tough to sit through - the director and the screenwriter have to shoulder the blame. The biggest problem with the movie is how slow and dull it is almost throughout. It takes about half of the movie before the Roberts' character starts on the road of revenge, and even when he does start down that path, the energy level of the movie is still extremely low. I guess the movie has one positive subtle message, that being that revenge can put you in danger and hurt the people around you. There is also a faint pulse of life whenever veteran movie actor Mako is on the screen. And I will admit that there are a few unintended laughs, most of them being Corey Feldman's inability to be convincing as a trained martial artist who is a really bad dude. Aside from those things, there is nothing to make this worth a look, unless you are a relative of Ted Jan Roberts.
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